Location: San Jose, California, United States

Raymond Miller solves usability problems for a living. From UI text and error messages to flows and stories, he protects the user experience for Symantec’s retail SSL certificate consumers. Raymond lives in San Jose, CA. When not staggering through half marathons, he writes crime fiction.


Midnight Nation by J. Michael Straczynski

So what's it about?
Detective David Gray is an Los Angeles cop. On a routine drug bust, he is attacked by creatures that steal his soul.

He slips into a world beneath the one we know: a world of the homeless and disenfranchised. He becomes a ghost of a person. He is there, but not really there.

He finds out that he has one year to get his soul back and our story begins...

What's so good about it?

At 288 pages, this book is a bargain at almost any price. J. Michael Straczynski creates a well constructed world with believable characters (including one hot angel), and great plot twists.

Imagine the best mystery/adventure you've read. Now, make some very pretty pictures to help tell tell the story. Now you have this book.

Ok tough guy, tell me something that will make me really want to read this book.

Remember in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back when that silly green annoying little creature throws off his deception and said, "I cannot teach him. He has no patience." And exactly 3 seconds later you realize, "What the? My God. That's Yoda the Jedi Master!"

This book is full of those moments.

Who wrote it?

J. Michael Straczynski has written both comic books and television. He created the Babylon 5 television series. In addition, he as written for Amazing Spiderman.


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